Thursday, December 31, 2009

Under the Sea Remix into Tennis

Ok sorry I haven't updated in a really long time, but I've been kinda busy..-cough cough- lazy. So for tennis banquet, the JV team decided to make coach a movie. Apparently, my movie idea sound better than what I had planned. So I switched it to a music video. Tennis is making a parody of Under the Sea. It's still kinda iffy around some parts but heres a try!

The balls always seem much cleaner in somebody else’s sport.
You dream about going out there, but what’s wrong with this court.
Just look at the world around you, right here on the tennis floor.
With tennis player guys around you, what more is you looking for?
Here on the courts, the tennis courts, where nobody beat us, no one defeat us in the league!
Out on the track they run all day, out in the sun they slave away.
While we devotin’, full time is lobbin’ here on the courts.
Right here all the girls are happy, and ground strokes are what they hit.
The girls on the field ain’t happy, they sad cause they smell like sh**.
The girls on the courts is lucky. They in for a worser kick. One day when the coach get angry, guess who gonna be getting Matrixed.
Here on the courts, the tennis courts, where nobody beat us, no one defeat us in the league!
We what the tennis folk like to hit, that’s why were mostly likely to quit.
They got no troubles, life is the bubbles here on the courts.
Here on the courts (the tennis courts)
Here on the courts (the tennis courts)
Since we got racquets, we got them coaches who say smack it! (Sma-ack –it-it-it-it)
Even our guys and our girls, they get the urge and start to hurl.
We got the spirit, you got to hear it! Here on the courts.
When our Gloria is going Kia Kaha
It's music to me
What do they got? A lot of sand
We got some hot tennis court land
That's why it's hotter
Above the water
Ya we in luck here
Where it don’t suck here
Above the sea

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Accidents Happen part 3

"I'm sorry," I replied back, feeling a bit guilty,"How about I treat you to some ice cream after school?" I smiled my innocent winning smile. Tony looked a bit embarrasses, seeing how I was treating him like a kid. But I knew he liked ice cream a lot, I know him better than he knows it. (Makes me like a stalker sometimes.) Tony gave a look, but I'm not sure what it's called exactly. It was one of those, angry/embarrassed/excited look. "You better not forget." he said, finally choosing to be emabarrassed. "Me too right?" Erika asked, feeling left out. "Of course." I said laughing. We stuck our heads together and started to laugh. The bell rang once more. Diiinnnggg!!!! "OH SHOOT!" We all forgot the bell had already rang, and started to run to our homeroom class. I wondered where that other person was. I hope I see him soon.
I ran through the corridors, past the lockers, girls and boys restrooms, past Geometry, Chemistry and all these other classes, till I reached my destination, Biology. I arrived 20 seconds before the bell rang for the last time. I looked over to the teacher, not caring I was almost late, as long as I arrive before the bell rang. The desks were arranged by one large desk, being able to seat two instead of one. I looked around and saw everybody paired up with somebody else. There was one seat open next inbetween a person and a window. I couldn't see his face though. His head was down, looking like he was sleeping. That was the only seat left, so I thought," Time to make a new friend." I sat beside him, and saw that he was awake. "Oh. Nice to see you again." To my surprise, it was the same person who I had bumped into earlier. "Oh! Hiya!" I had a feeling this year was going to be okay.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Accidents Happen - Part 2

"We were looking everywhere for you!" another voice said. I turned around to find my bestfriends, Erika and Tony. Tony looked very annoyed, "We all agreed we would meet at Cresent Moon.
(This was where we I met Erika and Tony when we were in our 2nd grade summer. We've been bestfriends since. It's like our lucky spot. Tony was very straight forward when he first saw me. "You a newbie? Cause I've never seen you here." "Um...I just moved here." I said very quietly. "WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU." Tony was the tough one, but was always kind and considerate in his own way. This is where Erika pops in.
"She new can't you tell? She's probably scared of you. You and your wierd shirt." she said. His shirt said, "Looking at me? Of course. Why wouldn't you?" with the picture of a dog wearing a navy blue cap, and green polka dotted "bling". Erika was the cowardly type but always tried to stood up for what she believes. She looked at me and gave me an encouraging smile, which let me know she was my friend. I smiled back.)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Accidents Happen -Story

"Ouch!" I said, rubbing the side of her head. "I'm sorry are you ok? I guess I wasn't looking," he said, "I'm absent minded like that a lot." I looked up to find that he was quietly chuckling to himself. I was walking down the hallway, and then he bumped into me. Of course it wasn't a regular bump, he was drinking from his waterbottle while walking, and we bumped into each other. He had accidently spilled some (a lot) onto my shirt, mostly because he accidentally accidentally bumped his head into mine. "Here. Take it and wipe yourself off." He handed me his handkerchief. Diiinnnggg. The bell had rung before I could even say "thank you" he was gone. "There you are!" somone said behind my back, at the same time, grabbing my shoulder.

Monday, July 13, 2009

San Fransisco

So I was in San Fransisco, and stayed at my mom's friend's/priest's home. You think it woul dbe hot, but it's not. It's actually cold there. Like when you wake up there's fog, but it's a nice cold. I went to China town, and I thought, "Jonathan!" I went to the Golden Gate Bridge, didn't ride it though. and. . . . . . .OH SHNAPS!!!!! I went to this Moonstar ("MOON BEAR!) BUFFET, AND there was a chocolate fountain!!!!!!!! >3< OMG!!!!! COOLS!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009


So there are two (or more) sayings with squares. "Be there or be square." and "Play fair and sqaure." So if you're not there, then you are a fair person. If you play fair, then you're a loser for not being there. . . . . Squares are cool! Until your teacher say they are rectangles! No they are not! Apparently, a sqaure can be a rectangle but a rectangle cannot be a square? What's that all about?! They are two completely different things. They are similar, but different! "A square is a rectangle because they both have four right angle, and congruent/equal opposite sides." Why doesn't it work the other way around? I don't know, but apparently your teacher does. Nowadays I think squares are given less credit than they should get. A square can't be two things people! Ok I'm done! ^-^

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Do you guys ever have dreams that kinda just make you feel awkward around somebody? Or a dream that you think has a meaning? Because, for about a week, I dreamt about the same guy. I don't remember it well, but I know it was for a week. Also, last night I had a dream about this guy I'm friends with, he had his arm on my shoulders, and it felt warm (probably cause I was under a blanket). There was this one dream I had about my grandmother, like after a week or something after her funeral, and she came to me after school and picked me up. She didn't say a word. "Does Mom know you're picking me up?" She nodded. And the scenario was all white. My second dream about her, she was living with me again, and nobody seemed to remember that she was. . .well. . .you know. . .gone. . .It was only I that knew. She still didn't talk though. . .Creepy

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Another Loss. . ..

I've recently had 2 blind people staying at my house. The first guy was actually a priest in training untill he got into a car accident. He lost sight, and smell apparently. The second guy I'm not so sure about, but he was really socialable. My momtreated them like she treated any other guests. They've been here for a chairty thing that I work for. They said they were going to be here a month, but they stayed here for almost a week. We had fun. The 2nd guy taught my brother how blind people write. We've all heard of braille right? But how you write is different from how you read it. It's actually really cool. Anyways they left this morning around before 6 AM. I woke up to say goodbye. I teared up a bit, but I'm good now. My house just seems kinda empty now. I guess I'm used to that now.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


I finally made an aim. Yay! The thing is I don't know which one to download; 6.9 or Aim Express. Also, I won't be able to go on as much. Err. . . . .

Friday, June 19, 2009

New Show!

I found a new show last night. It's called Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series. It gets so hilarious after a couple of episodes. You can watch this on or look it up on It was ok in the beginning but got better later on. Seriously try it if you have nothing better to do. And I began watching this new drama called Smile and First Kiss. So Smile is about this guy who is always accused of crimes he didn't do and is always sent to jail. He meets this one girl, and likes her smile, and she likes his. They try to fight against the forces of those who say he's guilty. First Kiss is about a girl who has a cancer or disease, and has to go under dangerous surgery and there's a 50/50 percent chance she'll die or live. She decides to go meet her brother in Japan before going back to America for surgery. Her brother is excited to reunite with his sweet, angel of a sister, only to find out she's twisted, and not so much of an angel anymore. He decides to let her experience true love, in order to make up for taking her first kiss when they were young, and before she goes through surgery.
So I haven't finished these drama yet but I will. So please watch it with me!
You can watch it on The place where drams are posted and stuff.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Summer started and I am so happy i have this blog. It gives me something to do, cause in my house all I ever really do is help take care of my family. I help my mom cook, clean, run around the house doing things for my older sister, get medicine for my parents, and set my brother straight. I'm actually kinda sad it's summer too. Entering high school this year, and I'm scared I might lose some of the friends that aren't going to Grove with me. Let's see. . . .like. . . Joey, Julie, Thong, Gilbert (not sure), Jackie, and so many other people. I jst hope I've made an imprression so they can remember me. Just like they did with me. ^o^